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Spreadsheets vs. Property Management Software for Rentals

If you are looking to invest in a rental property, inherited rentals, or are working off older bookkeeping systems, you’ll want to compare all your data tracking options. If you’ve ever tracked data in spreadsheets you’ll want to review the pros and cons of using them for your property management needs before deciding on what’s…

The 6 Best Tech Tools for Landlords

No one said that being a landlord was easy. Of course, the idea of passive income from property investment is appealing. But managing properties is not a passive job. Apart from collecting rent regularly, you’ve got to care for property maintenance, vacancies, disputes, and emergencies. So, anything to make your job as a landlord easier…

Access Property Management Services

Full-Service Property Management This is our most popular option.  As your property management company, we deal with unit owner issues, collect assessments, prepare your monthly financial statements, handle maintenance and repairs, and hire and supervise your...

Stay Organized: Rental property management

As a real estate investor, your real estate investment spreadsheet can be one of the most important tools you have at your disposal. Not only will having a cohesive spreadsheet help you keep track of your income and expenses on a monthly basis, it will also help you gauge the profitability of your investment. To…

Explore the Latest Clothing, Beauty, Home, Jewelry & More

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Tenant Credit Checks

TurboTenant is an indispensable 5 Star resource to me, as a landlord. I am thankful for the breadth of the many rental property advertising websites utilized, the effortless tracking of the many prospect responses, and the insightful screening questionnaires that keep me from wasting my prospect’s (and my) time. Very Highly Recommended!! Source

Vacation Rental Management | Full-Service Property Management

Vacasa offers property management and other real estate services directly through Vacasa LLC and through Vacasa LLC’s licensed subsidiaries. Click here for more information about Vacasa’s licensed real estate brokerage/property manager in your state. Vacasa’s licensed real estate brokerages/property managers include: Vacasa Alabama LLC; Vacasa Arizona LLC; Vacasa of Arkansas LLC; Vacasa Colorado LLC (Micah…

10 Factors to Consider When Buying an Income Property

Are you looking to purchase a residential rental property to boost your investment portfolio return? Investment properties can be exciting and very rewarding if you make the right choice. But income and other rewards aside, investing in real estate can be daunting for a first-time investor. Real estate is a tough business and the field…

Granite Property Management Company

If you reached this page after typing in the web address of one of our managed properties, please look below for that property, and click on the property name. You will be taken to the information for that property. We hope that one of our professionally managed communities will be a great fit for you!…

Hilton Head Vacation Rentals – Sunset Rentals

Book a stay at a participating property to receive a credit (valued up to $350) to rent popular, top quality beach gear items like bikes, chairs & umbrellas, kayaks, paddle boards, beach carts, boogie boards and more! This program is offered year round on select vacation rentals with 4-21 night stays.  Source

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RentMaster Rental Software – RentMaster

Master Your Rental Business with RentMaster Rental Software The very best step you can take right now to build your business, grow your customer base (and keep your sanity!) Try RentMaster now — FREE — for a full 30 days Small-to-medium sized party and event rental business owners all agree: If you’ve ever overbooked your…

Vacation Rental Management | Full-Service Property Management

Vacasa offers property management and other real estate services directly through Vacasa LLC and through Vacasa LLC’s licensed subsidiaries. Click here for more information about Vacasa’s licensed real estate brokerage/property manager in your state. Vacasa’s licensed real estate brokerages/property managers include: Vacasa Alabama LLC; Vacasa Arizona LLC; Vacasa of Arkansas LLC; Vacasa Colorado LLC (Micah…

Access to this page has been denied

Access to this page has been denied Source

The Pros and Cons of Investing in Rent Controlled Properties

If your gut reaction is to run for the fences when you hear the words rent control, you’re not alone. Many real estate investors shy away from rent-controlled units—and often for good reason. Rent-controlled units are subject to a host of regulations that affect how much rent can be raised, how often, and under what…

Airbnb Taxes: What to Know Before Listing Your Property

Short-term stays using popular rental services like Airbnb are quickly becoming the norm. Those with listings on Airbnb are generally house hacking or using their homes as vacation rentals on a short-term basis. It’s a great system and an excellent way to earn a premium rental charge over a typical monthly rental. But how do…

The Hottest U.S. Rental Markets: Mid-sized Hubs Take the Lead in Competitivity 

As the U.S. condo market indicates development, Access corporate relocation services Inc positioned the most cutthroat rental business sectors in the main quarter of the year. 

Explore the Latest Clothing, Beauty, Home, Jewelry & More

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Tenant Credit Checks

TurboTenant is an indispensable 5 Star resource to me, as a landlord. I am thankful for the breadth of the many rental property advertising websites utilized, the effortless tracking of the many prospect responses, and the insightful screening questionnaires that keep me from wasting my prospect’s (and my) time. Very Highly Recommended!! Source

Vacation Rental Management | Full-Service Property Management

Vacasa offers property management and other real estate services directly through Vacasa LLC and through Vacasa LLC’s licensed subsidiaries. Click here for more information about Vacasa’s licensed real estate brokerage/property manager in your state. Vacasa’s licensed real estate brokerages/property managers include: Vacasa Alabama LLC; Vacasa Arizona LLC; Vacasa of Arkansas LLC; Vacasa Colorado LLC (Micah…

10 Factors to Consider When Buying an Income Property

Are you looking to purchase a residential rental property to boost your investment portfolio return? Investment properties can be exciting and very rewarding if you make the right choice. But income and other rewards aside, investing in real estate can be daunting for a first-time investor. Real estate is a tough business and the field…

Granite Property Management Company

If you reached this page after typing in the web address of one of our managed properties, please look below for that property, and click on the property name. You will be taken to the information for that property. We hope that one of our professionally managed communities will be a great fit for you!…

Hilton Head Vacation Rentals – Sunset Rentals

Book a stay at a participating property to receive a credit (valued up to $350) to rent popular, top quality beach gear items like bikes, chairs & umbrellas, kayaks, paddle boards, beach carts, boogie boards and more! This program is offered year round on select vacation rentals with 4-21 night stays.  Source

Please click here if the page does not redirect automatically … Source

RentMaster Rental Software – RentMaster

Master Your Rental Business with RentMaster Rental Software The very best step you can take right now to build your business, grow your customer base (and keep your sanity!) Try RentMaster now — FREE — for a full 30 days Small-to-medium sized party and event rental business owners all agree: If you’ve ever overbooked your…

Vacation Rental Management | Full-Service Property Management

Vacasa offers property management and other real estate services directly through Vacasa LLC and through Vacasa LLC’s licensed subsidiaries. Click here for more information about Vacasa’s licensed real estate brokerage/property manager in your state. Vacasa’s licensed real estate brokerages/property managers include: Vacasa Alabama LLC; Vacasa Arizona LLC; Vacasa of Arkansas LLC; Vacasa Colorado LLC (Micah…

Access to this page has been denied

Access to this page has been denied Source

Stay Organized: Rental property management

As a real estate investor, your real estate investment spreadsheet can be one of the most important tools you have at your disposal. Not only will having a cohesive spreadsheet help you keep track of your income and expenses on a monthly basis, it will also help you gauge the profitability of your investment. To…

8 Traits That Make a Good Tenant And How to

As a landlord, the quality of your renters determines the quality of your returns. Good, stable tenants mean good, stable returns. Frequent turnovers, evictions, and constant repairs all push your returns in one direction: down. The next time you screen your rental applications, look for the following traits of a top-tier tenant. Find financial freedom…

The Benefit of Digital Rental Apps for Landlords

We live in a digital age, and let’s face it—there’s almost nothing you can’t do online. The chances are that you shop online, read the news on a mobile app, connect with friends on social media, and stream music. And so, the savvy renter also wants to organize their rent payments, maintenance requests, and sign…

Is Evicting a tenant the Right Call?

Evicting a tenant is never a happy experience for landlords. Evictions are the last resort to get a delinquent tenant out of your property. Apart from being a costly process, having to evict someone takes up your precious time and resources. Of course, sometimes you have no choice other than to start eviction proceedings. But…

Latest Post

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RentMaster Rental Software – RentMaster

Master Your Rental Business with RentMaster Rental Software The very best step you can take right now to build your business, grow your customer base (and keep your sanity!) Try RentMaster now — FREE — for a full 30 days Small-to-medium sized party and event rental business owners all agree: If you’ve ever overbooked your…

Vacation Rental Management | Full-Service Property Management

Vacasa offers property management and other real estate services directly through Vacasa LLC and through Vacasa LLC’s licensed subsidiaries. Click here for more information about Vacasa’s licensed real estate brokerage/property manager in your state. Vacasa’s licensed real estate brokerages/property managers include: Vacasa Alabama LLC; Vacasa Arizona LLC; Vacasa of Arkansas LLC; Vacasa Colorado LLC (Micah…